
The website Members of the Royal Photographic Society 1853–1901 is hosted by De Montfort University. All elements of the website and all rights therein, including but not limited to the content and general design, are protected by De Montfort University copyright and database rights are owned by Dr Michael Pritchard. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial–ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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Membership lists were compiled from copies of the Photographic Journal held by Dr Michael Pritchard.

Advice and helpful suggestions were given by Emeritus Professor Roger Taylor. Roger and Dr Larry Schaaf were able to provide copies of additional membership lists from their own files.

Brian Liddey and Ruth Kitchen at the National Media Museum, Bradford, were helpful in making the Council and Minute books and the Photographic Journal available from The Royal Photographic Society Collection.

Website development was undertaken by Tarjana Yagnik,, under the direction of Prof. Stephen Brown, Knowledge Media Design, De Montfort University.

Database development was undertaken by Howard Freeman, Fisi Ltd.

Development of the site has been financed by an anonymous benefactor.